Author Archives: PlayBoyMan

There is an Indie Developer among you….

As of Today, I, PlayBoyMan, aka GodOfKonckers, am throwing my hat into the ring of Game Development. That’s a fancy way of saying I’m making a game. For Serious.

I’ve always had a passion for playing Video Games. Been playing them since I was 4. And now, after 30 years of gaming, I figured its high time I started making them. It’s always been a dream of mine to make a video game, and now with all the technology we have nowadays, I’m going to give that dream form.

I’m making an RPG game for the PC, using RPG Maker VX Ace Lite on Steam. I would buy the full version of RPG Maker VX ACE, but its pricey, and as despite my best efforts, I can’t crap money – just crap. Damn it. That high fiber diet did nothing for me. Expect lose weight, which was nice.

Anyway, because I can’t buy this software right now, the game will be a non-commercial title, which I’ll distribute myself. I’ll be giving the game away for free. I might get a kickstarter going, once I figure out how much it’ll all cost to make the game a commercial product, and try to get it on Steam, and maybe Desura. – Sidenote: The Commercial price of this game is not going to break you. No $60 titles from me. Ya hear that, EA?

I’ll tell you some of the story which I’m working on as we speak:

You play as a Woman named Sam (Yeah that’s right, a WOMAN). She is a baker, who is enjoying her life running her bakery in a close knit town, and growing the sticky-icky for sale and leisure in the back (Liking this game already, aren’t you?). One day, she gets a mysterious package on the storefront’s step. After receiving this strange package, her life gets turned upside-down, as she is chased and tormented by an unseen force.

Not bad, yes?

If you want to help out, feel free – Money, resources, spreading the word – However you want to help out, go for it. This is a game I’m making for my fellow gamers out there – I value and welcome your support.

This is the part where I tell you the release date for this game, but I won’t. It’ll be done when It’s done.

PLEASE….no Duke Nukem Forever Jokes.

Let’s light this candle.


PlayBoyMan’s response to the “Taboo of Interracial Sex”

Yesterday, I read an article from Adult film star Aurora Snow, titled: “Interracial Sex Still Taboo for Many Porn Stars”. It talked about how certain adult performers, to this day STILL believe in the outdated concept that female performers don’t get a lot of work in the business after they do interracial sex scenes.

Of all the good things in the Adult Entertainment industry, this is by far the only Worst thing that sucks donkey dick.

This is the only truly shitty part about the the porn industry – outdated concepts. As Lady Snow pointed out in her article, There are several reasons why women won’t do IR (Interracial) sex scenes – the major one could be the size.

And that is perfectly understandable – some women can’t handle the sizes the black male performers are packing. It can be intimidating for the women, and that is a valid reason for them and me – and this is coming from a black man who loves big tits, by the way.

But is doing a black guy with a huge dick really something that can hurt a Female Performer’s carrier in the Porn Biz?

I say no.

This is something that still exists in the industry to this day, and it really shouldn’t. It makes no sense continue on with this crap.

To everyone in the Adult Entertainment Industry, who thinks this stereotype still has merit – stop it. The fans and supporters now are leaps and bounds different then they were 20 years ago. We like variety now, and we really don’t care about a performers race. It’s all about how good the performers fuck on camera.

All this stemmed from an article on TMZ a few weeks back, stating how Alexis Texas has not done an IR scene – who fucking cares? I Don’t. And even if she did an IR, it wouldn’t change her for the worse – I still have yet to find a guy who thinks a white woman fucking a black guy in a porno or in their personal life is “Gross”, “Wrong”, or “Stupid” – that guy does not exist. And if he does, please punch him in the dick for me.

“Racist” attitudes within the porn industry have no business in the industry. Aurora Snow called it right, its an outdated strategy, ideal, whatever you want to call it. A good example – Lisa Ann. She has done IR Scenes, and it only makes my cock harder for her. The fact that she can handle all that dark meat and not pass out is highly impressive.

So Ladies, if you thinking of becoming a Pornstar, or are in the business already, PLEASE DON’T LET THIS SHIT COCKBLOCK YOUR CARRIER!

Expand your sexual horizons. Be safe and have fun. Your fans will love you for it, like I do.

Also, one last thing I want to clarify about Alexis Texas and IR sex scenes – While its true that Lady Texas has not been with a black guy yet, she HAS been with a black woman.

The Film is called “Marie Luv’s Go Hard or Go Home (2009)” by Justin Slayer International. Scene 4 of the film stars Alexis Texas, Mr. Pete and Marie Luv – who is a Black woman. Alexis gives her oral and plays with her pussy in the threesome. It counts as an IR scene.

Proof: entry (Opens in new window)

Thanks to Aurora Snow for writing that article. You can read it over at the Daily Beast Here, and follow Aurora Snow on Twitter @MissAuroraSnow

And thanks to for having the info I needed for this blog post. There website is and they are also on twitter @IAFDcom

Thanks for reading.


Attack of the Swag!

Today marks 1 week and 1 day the beloved program ,“Attack of the Show” went off the air for good. I have been experiencing What I like to call “Aots Withdrwal” since the show went bye bye.

I will admit, and I really don’t care if I sound sappy or nuts, but I feel so empty right now. I have been trying to fill in the void with healthy alternatives, like watching Porn, Drinking various beverages, imagining women naked, fapping, and even playing Video Games – all to no avail.

I would try drugs – But that is a slippery slope…plus, I have no idea where and how to score weed, and with my luck, I would fail tremendously.

So…I thought I would give talking about something really cool I got in the mail in the latter half of November 2012…..

During the last LIVE episode of “Attack of The Show”, several devoted fans who tweeted in to that show, got a “AOTS” Swag bag. Many got one of these grand packages, including yours truly.

I took pictures of the contents (and no there are no naked women):


The Contents are (clockwise from lower left): 2 Paper Notebooks with hard plastic covers, both bearing the G4 logo and the front– 2 “Attack of the Show” Pens, A G4 Tote Bag, A G4 Cap (ALWAYS WANTED ONE OF THESE), a HUGE G4 Sticker, and a LCD Screen cleaner (Center).

OH! And A G4 Pin! :


It’s on the Tote Bag. Not bad yes?

However, and yes I am Boasting about this. My Swag bag has something none of the others have (as far as I know). Rick Damigella (Social Media TV expert and veteran TV production professional and Music aficionado), had tweeted me some DM’s Thanking me for watching the Show for all those years (Watched it for 7 years, and missed only 7 Episodes live). He decided to include something extra in a my bag of goodies.

You know those signs they put on doors for celebrities? I forget what they are called, but they help indicating whose dressing rooms are for guests they are going to interview..

I want to say “Door Signs” – yeah, that sounds right. Anyway, I got quite a number of them, as you can see:


And as you can also see – every one of them is autographed. How epic is that? Don’t be hatin’ now.

And to answer the question buzzing around in some of your heads – I’m not selling them.

Big Shoutout to Rick Damigella for the extras goodies. You can follow him on Twitter @LinerNotes. Tell him PlayBoyMan sent ya.


“Where the Fuck is my Paper, PlayBoyMan?!”

I’m not sure if any of you noticed, but there has been a little nugget of Info that has been missing from my Tweets lately.

I am referring to “Le Papier de PlayBoyMan” (Paper of PlayBoyMan). It was a Daily turned Weekly ePaper I was running at, that the many of you enjoyed reading. Do you remember it now? Good. It’s gone. I got rid of it. Thanks for reading….

Hmm? Oh right…I forgot to tell you WHY it’s gone. My bad.

Here’s the thing – The first issue was with the old twitter account I had. My account was connected to it, and I forgot to disconnect it. I’d made a good job tossing the old account info away, because it took 3-4 days just to remember it. Thankfully, I remembered the old twitter, and made the necessary changes.

After that, I made the painful choice then and there to delete the whole paper. You see, even though the paper was getting quite the readers as it was being published (1000+), it wasn’t putting out the content I wanted it to. The Sources I used were active and plentiful, but the info was unbalanced – Too much boobies, and not enough news. I wanted a balance of both, and it just wasn’t working.

Seeing that it would take time to correct it, time that I really didn’t have and still don’t have at the moment, I felt it was best to 86 the whole thing.

I don’t know if it will come back or not. It all depends if I have the time to work on it.

All I can say now is thanks to everyone who read it. I’m glad you enjoyed it.


I am not a Pervert..Chill with that shit.

Not long ago, I got some emails, saying that I am disgusting for loving Boobs so much, and that I am a pervert, and that I’m being disrespectful to women. And I would like to respond to that.

As most of you know, I have Mazophilia – more commonly known as Breast Fetishism….Meaning I love Boobies. It has many different avenues, but mainly for me, I just love large breasts. I like them big – its my nature, and I can’t and won’t change that.

Thankfully, there are people just like me who have the same fetish I do, and they get the vibe of people who do as well. Even busty women love busty women. It’s fantastic. But, as with everything that exists on the planet, there is always another side to it. And that is the case here.

Just as there are people who like people who love big breasts, there are people who think that guys who love breasts as much as I do are either perverts, only thinking about sex, only like women for their boobs and nothing else, or are just not right in the brain.

NONE of that is true. And I take strong offense to that. I have mad respect for all women, and being sexually attractive to a woman is not a sign of disrespect. Women are Sexy. What wrong with that?

Look, everyone has a fetish. A Fetish is a Strong Sexual Preference, and there are TONS of them. 

We all got our little something that turns us on. It’s called Psychical attraction – It’s how we are wired, and there is nothing wrong with that. So, to the people who think I’m a pervert, and I’m speaking to all of them, not just the two people who emailed me…

Chill with that shit.

I am proud of my fetish. I’m not ashamed of it in any way shape or form. I get that it’s not for everyone, and that some can’t hang with it. But in no way am I a pervert.

I am PlayBoyMan. I love Large-Breasted Women. I LOVE BOOBIES. Deal with it, out get the fuck out.

Thank you.


Theory: Anti-Porn “Activists” must be super freaky. Yikes.

As I sit here, listening to the bullshit psychobabble coming out of the ass end of Shelley Lubben, via clips from Youtube, something clicked in my brain – “What is she REALLY upset about?”.

I mean yes, Shelley Lubben is bitching and fussing and spreading lies, spewing her “Research” to anyone who doesn’t know shit about porn, and calling it “evidence” (Sidenote: Printing bullshit on paper is not “evidence” – it’s still Bullshit), but I still wonder WHY she is so pissy about porn.

There are people who think that Porn is nasty, and that the moves and positions that they do are NOT done in real life, mainly leading to the popular phrase “That doesn’t happen in real life”, when in fact, it actually IS done by just about anyone who is legal and old enough to consent to sex….and is also very flexible.

All those positions that people see in porn, that is if you watch porn, is done somewhere in the world, with and without cameras.

And yet….Shelley Lubben, and anyone else that wants to stand on a soapbox over nothing, continue to…well…Stand on that soapbox talking about nothing. WHY?

Let me break down what a porn movie actually is, and this is something that I have said in a past blog post: If you take away the Cameras, the Lights, the Film and production crews, hair and makeup and the storyline (Yes some Porn movies have a storyline), what are you left with?

People having sex. And it IS CONSENSUAL.

That’s mainly what Shelley Lubben and all those Anti-porn dumbasses are complaining about – sex on camera. And that really isn’t a big deal. You see, The Adult Entertainment Industry is not the only one making fuck flicks – Yeah, I said fuck flicks. In addition to having sex in all kinds of configurations, Average Joes and Janes – People like you and me – have the potential to make their own sex tapes, and it happens a lot more then you think.

You’ll take notice that Shelley isn’t going after regular people who love to record themselves fucking on camera. Not one mention of that. Or maybe a troubled teen who has unprotected sex with multiple partners. People are having sex left and right all over the world. Some are using Condoms, some aren’t. Some are fucking for pleasure, and some are trying to conceive a child. EVERYONE is having sex, in their own ways.

What Lubben also fails to realize from this simple and obvious fact, is that everyone not only has the potential to just make their own sex tapes – If they choose to do so, they can share said tape on the internet for everyone to enjoy. Anywhere, anytime, and any Day of the fucking Year.

Everyone can be a pornstar if they choose and want to. It will always be an uphill battle for Lubben. In fact, you remember that Measure B piece of shit that got passed by voters in November 2011? – that’s called a ‘Pyrrhic victory’  – a victory with such a devastating cost that it carries the implication that another such victory will ultimately lead to defeat.

In other words – Shelley won that battle with Measure B, but she will ultimately lose the war on Porn.

Speaking of Which: Let’s get back to the ‘war’ in question – Porn is nothing but Sex on Camera, which doesn’t make much of a difference when it comes to, I guess I’ll call it “Normal Sex”, and I use that term loosely. And if you are a person who is old enough to have and enjoy having sex, then its really not that big of a deal to you. You’re having sex, and you are (Hopefully) satisfied doing so. 

So….What is Shelley complaining about? What is really bothering her about porn?


Then it hit me…‘Measure B’ and all the requirements needed to abide by it – That’s how Anti-Porn Activists has sex!

You all remember that Anti-Measure B video, with Jessica Drake and James Deen? The Dental Dams and Latex Gloves? No? Not to worry, the video is below.

See all that crazy shit they were using? THAT must be how Anti-porn crazies have sex. They are a freaky bunch, aren’t they? Shelley must be a mondo crazy freak. That is the only thing I can think of. She is just pissed off that The Pornstars aren’t doing it the way she does, and they look like they are having way more fun then she is.

If you think I’m making fun at Shelley and her anti-porn Activists, you are correct in thinking so, but there really is a serious element in all this. Forcing people to wear condoms is, in my honest opinion, a violation of Civil liberties. No body of Government, no matter how big or small, should be in charge of any individuals right to what they want to do in the bedroom, on Camera, or even on location for that matter.

A good example of this is the SAG (Screen Actors Guild). As far as I can see, there is no law on the books that says explicitly that Members (Actors and Actresses) in SAG “MUST SIMULATE ANY AND ALL SEX ACTS ON FILM”. The Actors and Actresses in Hollywood are not really having sex in Films and Television, yet there is no Federal/State/Local law on the books that tells them not to have sex on Camera. I did as through as search as I could just to be sure. Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

The Hollywood Industry, as a whole, CHOSE TO SIMULATE SEX IN HOLLYWOOD FILMS. Did you catch the Buzz word there? Let me quote and highlight the last statement:

The Hollywood Industry, as a whole, CHOSE TO SIMULATE SEX IN HOLLYWOOD FILMS.

“Chose” is the Buzz Word. No law had to be passed telling/commanding/ordering any Hollywood Actors and Actress to NOT have sex. The actors and actresses chose not to have actual sex on camera. Its the Same thing for the flip side of the coin.

Any Performer in the Adult Entertainment Industry makes and has the choice to use condoms or not. It’s their body, and they are responsible for those choices. There should not be a law that tells them how they should fuck on or off camera.

Speaking of fucking on Camera, let’s get back to talking about the freaky sex Shelley likes.

Let’s try to put ourselves in Shelley’s Shoes for a minute – But lets not stay too long, as she does sound fucking nuts, and is a big fat liar. If you have looked at the video above, it appears that Shelley likes to wear Latex Gloves, Protective Visors/Goggles and Dental Dams. Seeing that she doesn’t want to have sex on camera because that would be “Damming to her mental capacity”, I’m sure there is no need for hazmat-like suits, and maybe she puts some drop cloths down, or tape some up on the walls….Yeah.

Oh, and let’s not forget the Condoms….her hubby must wear 2-3 of them in one session of sex…

Wait a minute…..Just realized something….WHY would anyone want to have sex with Shelley Lubben? OK OK….This shit is getting weird. Let’s get back to sanity.

To make a long story short (too late) – Anti-Porn Activists doth protest too much, and their protests are about sex, plain and simple. Anybody can have sex on camera. Anyone can be a pornstar. Everyone has sex, and Shelley Lubben and her band of idiots can’t really stop that from happening – no matter what she says or does.

You can try to reason with her, and you can spend as much time as you want calling her on her shit, in the hopes she’ll snap out of the bullshit, but it’ll be to no avail. She knows she is bullshitting people. Anti-Porn Activists know they are Bullshitting People, and they love it to no end.

All you can do is sit back, and watch her and her fellow morons do the one thing that is most likely happening to her as we speak….losing the war.

And please remember that as you are watching, feel free to laugh your ass off. It’s funny as fuck.


What else am I changing?

So far, I’ve closed my old Twitter account in favor of a new one. And I’ve changed the Layout of The Perverted Brain Blog at WordPress. So, what’s next? No More Boobquakes? Changing the user name? Closing some blogs? No more Podcasts?!


Ok, I made that last one up – I’ve never given away free bottles of soda, but yes, there will be a few more changes. But don’t fret, all the good things you like and enjoy about me will keep going on. BoobQuakes, Blogging, podcasts and all those naked pics you love fapping off to are gonna keep on going. The next changes I have to make are cosmetic ones to my blogs, and I’ll be working on my personal backup server, so if you don’t hear from me in the next few days, don’t worry – I’m just fine.

And no, I won’t be changing my username. I’ll Always be PlayBoyMan.


A Quick Statement on Gun Control…

I am Pro-Gun. I do feel its alright for me to have access to a gun for protection. I LOVE guns. I enjoy playing Games and watching movies that have guns in them (Rambo, Grand Theft Auto, The Expendables 1 & 2, and even 3 when it comes out).

But I do NOT feel like I should have the same guns the Army has, i.e. Assault Rifles, unless I join the fucking Army.

It only takes one Bullet aimed in the right place on a person to stop or kill them. A Shotgun and or a Handgun can do the same thing – stop someone in their tracks.

I don’t want or need an assault rifle – it’s what we common sense folk like to call “Overkill”.

The Ownership of Assault Rifles, and the mad need to buy them all up is based on fear, mistrust, and crazy motherfuckers that don’t like common sense, like the NRA, and any Right Wing nutjob who thinks we are getting rid of all guns (we aren’t btw).

Gun Control is not the ultimate solution, and too many people think that is the case. It’s not. It’s Part of the solution. There are many issues that must be resolved, and Gun Control is one of them.


Shelley Lubben Blocked me….YAY!

Note: The images of Tweets read upwards.

It was so horrible – I remember it like it was Tuesday, January 8th, 2013, a little after 11pm.

There I was, exploring the Twitterverse – Chelsea Lately playing in the background. When then, I saw a tweet from the Crazy Shitkicker Shelley Lubben. She was talking about how much she hated the fact that Kathy Griffin was “Acting like a Porn Star” On New Years Eve, and posted a video about it. I couldn’t get a screenshot of the tweet she posted, because she deleted it seconds later, but I was able to find the video she was referring to on TMZ. Link to it here after the jump:

After I managed to see that tweet (Btw, that video is almost a WEEK OLD as of this posting), I Noticed it was gone seconds later. I Tweeted where it went, only then to see these tweets from Lubben:



I replied to those tweets:


She then tweeted like a mad man, dumping on Kathy Griffin like she was a toilet with the seat down:


I responded with a reasonable volley of Tweets:


Don’t know how she would’ve dealt with people on New Years Eve, but I found out how she planned to deal with ME.

I got one last tweet from Shelley, via Tweetdeck:


I clicked on the video and watched it for a few seconds – typical Lubben BS. and just as I was about to reply to it, I noticed that my timeline wasn’t updating, and I couldn’t send tweets out – this, was a very familiar moment.

I logged on, and found out that my account, which I JUST got a few days ago, was reported and suspended.

Thankfully, restoring my account was a quick and painless one. For serious, it took like a minute.

Anyway…..after I restored my account, I tweeted to Michael Whiteacre what happene:




And the last tweet from Michael gave the goosebumps:


I am soo looking forward to what is coming. All in all – I really don’t care that shelley has blocked me. I wear it like a badge of honor. Sooner or later, all the bullshit she loves talking about is gonna catch up to her on a grand scale, and she’ll have to answer for it.

There was one more thing that I found interesting – in one of her tweets yesterday, she claimed that she was approached by Anderson Cooper to be on the show this Thursday –


If Anderson Cooper has watched these silly videos of hers, and sees how she reacts under pressure when confronted with common sense, I’m pretty sure she won’t make it on the show.

And I’m pleased as punch about that.


Happy New Year from Perverted Brain!

I was gonna post some bare boobies, but I think I’ll make my last post of 2012 classy:



Taylor has her top ON. That’s what makes the picture classy. Don’t be hatin’.

Happy New Year! See you in 2013.


Pornstar Tits I want to Fuck

The Day after Thanksgiving, which is called Black Friday (aka November 23,2012),

I got asked a pretty good question by twitter follower @BigBraFitter


I actually have a list, and I really wanted to answer that question right then and there, but then it hit me, I’ll blog my answer instead!

“But why would you want to do that?”, you ask.

Because we all get to look at Big Ass Tits while I answer the question, that’s why. Plus, I’ve sounded rather Politico the past few blog posts, and this gives me and the blog a chance to get back to my perverted roots.

Win Win.

So, here we go – the 10 Pairs of Tits I really want to fuck (Pornstar Edition)

10. Nina Mercedez


I know – She is my favorite Performer, and yet she is at 10 on the list, but the reason for that is because as much as I fantasize about sliding my cock between her tits, I  fantasize  about her RIDING my cock even more, with her beautiful boobies in my face. Yeah, the good ‘ol bouncy bouncy ride.

9. Sophie Dee


Having this cute little number fuck her boobies, all while she is looking at me and saying sweet little things is a welcome delight.

8. Lisa Ann


It’s LISA ANN – The Lady who makes Sarah Palin look severely fuckable. It would be an honor to cock slam her tits. “Cock Slam” ? Is that a thing? For this post, I’ll say yes.

7. Kylie Ireland


Kylie Ireland is one of two Redheads I’ve love to titfuck. She just makes sex look crazy good. Granted, she is known for her fantastic anal scenes, but the tit-fucking would be an excellent warm-up.

6. Wendy Whoppers


Excuse the all caps, but Wendy Whoppers was the VERY FIRST, LARGE BREASTED PORN STAR I EVER WATCHED. SHE…oops sorry. She looked and sounded so good when she was having sex on camera. Something about her performances that seemed so simple and yet, satisfying. It sucks that she retired.

5. SaRenna Lee


SaRenna has that kind of MILF next door quality to her. If she did live next door to me, I would go over to ask for a cup of Sugar, and I’m pretty sure she say so, in exchange for my “cream” if you catch my meaning.

4. Pandora Peaks


I remember the first time I saw Pandora – it was in the movie “Striptease” (Sidenote: I have the international Version of that movie). And the very second I saw her and her massive mammeries, I thought to myself “Damn, my dick would love to call her boobs home.”.

3. Sara Jay


She loves her boobies, among other things, and of all of the buxom ladies, her are the most inviting. In just the picture above, it looks like they are saying, “Insert cock here”. Don’t mind if I do.

2. Angelica Castro


She is the Spanish version of Sara Jay. Tan jodidamente caliente! (So Fucking Hot!)

And the Number #1 pair of Pornstar Tits I REALLY want to fuck: Letha Weapons!


The Second Redhead I want to titfuck.I have watched a number of scenes where she tit fucks, and there isn’t one scene that hasn’t made be cum. Plus, she has dick sucking lips. How can I not imagine my meat between her tits, and having her sweet sexy mouth suck on the tip?

Fuck. yeah.

And that is my list of Pornstars (Then and Now) I ‘d love to titfuck to fruition. “fruition”? Why the fuck am I now choosing NOW to be subtle?

Take Two:

And that is my list of Pornstars (Then and Now) I ‘d love to titfuck TILL I CUM.

There. Laters.

Something I saw on Youtube Today…

I decided today to look for video on Youtube about porn, when I came across a video done by Shelly Lubben. The Title of the video was called:

“Shocking Footage of Women Abused on the Porn Set (a California Workplace) “

Automatically sensing that this was bullshit, I decided to take a look at it. And I was right, it’s bullshit. The video starts out stating bible verses for 23 seconds, and then starts with shelly talking about her “Horrendous” life in porn. the video also showed “real footage” of women being “abused and forced into having sex”, stating how much they don’t like it, crying and pretending to be in pain.

And yes, they were pretending. You see, there is also “Extreme” types of porn out there. The Genres are: Rape Fantasy, Punishment, Peeing, and Fisting.

Rape Fantasy and Punishment genres of porn are the ones that get the most flack, because there are people who think its real. The Rape Fantasy is where a woman wants to be in a situation where it appears she is being forced to take off her clothes, be submissive and “raped” – but its all a fantasy. She knows her “Attacker”, and she does want this to happen – but she understands that it’s all fake.

Believe it or not, Rape Fantasy is nothing more than role-playing, and most people don’t quite understand why any woman would want to enjoy that kind of thing, which is understandable. Rape is not a “fun” thing, but this is a rape fantasy – it’s harmless to everyone who is involved. It only “Looks” bad or dangerous.

Which brings me back to the video. The whole time these “behind the scenes” video clips, and I use that expression lightly, are being displayed, they are being titled as being from “porn set”. She doesn’t give any names of the male performers who are allegedly taking advantage of or abusing these women. You know what? I think it would be better if I just quote to you a comment I submitted to the video. It requires approval from the uploader, so there is a chance It won’t be approved.

Thankfully, I copied it before I submitted it. Here is my comment on the video in question:

This video really does not prove Shelly’s point. There are porn movies that have these type of scenes, but they are STAGED. The Women “claim” to not like it, or are uncomfortable, but its all an act, nonetheless.

Another thing I’d Like to point out – why haven’t we heard from the victims in the “footage” from the video? Why haven’t they gone to the police and pressed charges? What about the names of the guys who were “assaulting” these women?
Why show this footage, but provide no other facts?

Its true – she provides no other facts. It’s all brazen, biased, outdated information she’s been shitting out of her ass since minute one.

I get that there are people who don’t like porn, but there are people who do, and everyone who is in the business of making .porn, are choosing to do so of their own free will. They are not being forced to do anything they don’t want to do, and they can give up the business anytime they want.

It’s their life – they make their own choices.

Misinformation, lies and deception are the tools of Shelley Lubben’ trade. She’ll lie her ass off just to prove her point, and she did it (or tried to do it) with one of these ridiculous videos of hers/

I don’t want you to be misinformed about porn, and the people who are for and against it. You deserve the truth, not the truth according to Shelly.

I’ll end this blog post with a documentary called “The Devil and Shelley Lubben” – it’s a four part series made by Michael Whiteacre, and gives a revealing look at the loudest anti-porn protester around:


Eve-opening, isn’t it?


An Open Letter to Shelly Lubben (@shelleylubben)

Dear Shelly,

I write this letter with the intent of making and talking about a few observations. There are two things that I feel that you should stop doing, that I will address in this open letter to you. You don’t need to respond to it at all, just read it. Let’s begin.

First off: Stop Fucking Lying.

Your claims of being Raped, and forced to do Drugs and Booze while you were in the industry, is without question, the best untrue story I have ever heard in my life on this planet, in this part of the known universe. For serious, haven’t we had enough of people making shit up?

It’s the same shit – something bad happens to someone, and industry ABC is to blame for it. Over the years, I’ve heard this story many times before, each time it was a different branch of the entertainment industries – Parents blaming TV for their Child’s bad behavior, Music being called the “Work of the Devil”,  Movies for their language and sexual content, and violent video games are turning kids into killing machine psychopaths. It’s the same bullshit story, but with different characters, every time.

And now, that story yet again, is being told. The industry is the adult entertainment business, and you and the AHF are the ones pointing fingers.

Adult Entertainment is in the mainstream now, and just like the other times and the other industries, backlash, half-truths and bullshit laws are coming to fruition.

…And like those other times, the people making the most noise have zero problems making it all up and selling out, all to get their “point” across.

Look, I’m all in favor of Sexual Responsibility, Safe Sex, and STD/STI/HIV/AIDS Awareness, and so is the porn industry. Both those in the business and I encourage people to learn all about the joys and risks of sex. I won’t argue with you or anyone about that – but BOTH I and the people in the Adult Entertainment Industry, take issue and strong offense when someone, anyone makes shit up and sprouts lies to make their message have meaning.

When it comes to facts and things I believe in, I make sure that my information is accurate to the point of night sweats. I can’t and won’t make up bullshit facts – I’m not that kind of guy. Information is an important part of life – we need actual facts from reliable sources, not bullshit.

And yes, I am talking about Measure B. You may not admit it, but we all know the truth – measure B is a waste of time, money and bullshit.

If you truly give a damn, Stop fucking lying about what happened to you. It’s not true, and I don’t buy it one bit. Nobody’s buying it.

The Second thing I would like to address: Accept fucking responsibility.

The reason people are so quick to blame others over their actions, is because its so easy to do so. People can get so full of pride for themselves that it puts them into a state of denial. They can’t handle the guilt of what they have done, so they pass the blame to whoever is close enough to them.

You may think you are doing the right thing now, but in reality you are not. Look at the example you are setting: “If you make a mistake, don’t accept the fact that it’s your fault. Just blame someone else.”

That’s a terrible message for the masses, I don’t care what the issue is.

As much as you don’t want to admit it, you and you alone are responsible for the choices in your life. Accept your mistakes, and move on. The Adult Entertainment Industry is no where near close to blame for your actions. It’s your body and your life – you should’ve made smarter choices.

As I said earlier – no one made you do anything you didn’t want to do before, during, and after your time in the industry, and if you are angry, which I think you are, you need to stop taking it out on the Industry.

The Adult Entertainment Industry, and its supporters and fans (I’m a fan by the way), are not responsible for you. If you make a mistake, its your mistake. If you make a bad choice, its your bad choice. Shelly Lubben is responsible for Shelly Lubben. It’s that simple.

Lastly, and this is the most important: You are not “Saving” anyone.

Yes, it’s true, I’ve read the truth about  your “Success” stories from rescuing women from porn by messing with their beliefs, making them feel guilty and talking them out of the business, and announce  they are “Rescued”.

You are not anyone’s Savior. You are not, and should never be in control of anyone’s actions, choices, or beliefs.

You may not like the choices people make in their lives, but you should always respect their actions, choices, and beliefs.

Yes, that is a bitter pill to swallow, but the Truth is never easy to accept from anyone.

I hope you do change your ways, and stop all this crazy shit. I will never wish nothing but the best for you. I do hope you mend your ways, better sooner  than later.

Thank you very much for your time.


Edit those “Dangerous Curves” AWAY!

This is gonna be a short blog post – but the purpose, as always is spot on.

Also, What do you think of the new blog design? Likey? I do. Moving on…

Fashion Magazines use Photoshop too fucking much. For serious, just straight up too fucking much.

Don’t get me wrong, I REALLY LOVE Photoshop, but that way Magazine Publishers use it so heavily is just plain wrong as FUCK.

In nearly every magazine and fashion catalog, I’ve seen tons of pics that have been Photoshopped to death. And I ask myself: “WHY?!”

I actually asked a few people I know this question: “Why do you think Magazines use the fuck outta Photoshop?”

The Majority said: “To sell Magazines”. The Minority said “who cares, they look hot!” I’ll go with the majority on this.

I can understand and think its reasonable to make small edits here and there to fix up an image, but to go fucking nuts and edit so much that the pic looks like the true piece of shit makes about as much sense as installing an Air Conditioner on the ice planet Hoth (For you non-geeks, that’s in reference to the Star Wars Movies, and a damn good one at that).

For serious, I really don’t see the need to Edit and retouch the fuck out of pictures. I didn’t mind it so much for quite some time, until I came across this:


This is the October 2012 Issue of “Lucky Magazine” – do you see the problem here? C’mon – you’re looking right at it. Here, I’ll point it out to you:


I can tell you right now – Christina Aguilera’s Tits are NOT THAT SMALL!

They’ve never been that small at all. She looks almost as flat as a board in this pic. What the Flying Fuck?! If anything,They’ve put on some weight and looking good. I couldn’t find a good pic of them sans Push up bra, but this video should Suffice:

That is the video teaser her Song “Your Body”. Jump to 0:16  in the video, to see what I’m talking about. If you compare the image to the video, you can CLEARLY tell that her boobs are much bigger in the video. Yes, The Editors must have something against Curvy women, because the photoshopped the fuck out of those puppies. If you watch “The Voice”, you can see those boobies are juicy, not flat as a board.

Another thing I’ve noticed – why do fashion magazines only feature women with little to no curves at all? It’s like curves are Dangerous or something. No wonder why some women have eating disorders and low self-esteem issues – these magazines make sure to mindfuck these ladies into a nice neurotic mess that only Dr. Phil can fix.

If it sounds like I’m pissed, I am. Ladies, I want you to read the following very carefully. I’m gonna quote myself on this too:

I am attracted to all types women of various body types, and I’m not alone on this. I have found a vast number of men love women with curves. A Little or a lot, curves are good. These highly exaggerated editing of images is a true piece of bullshit, that produces a false ideal of what men want.

Real Men loves curves. Ask any man out there, they’ll gladly admit it.

Magazines that abuse the Photoshop to such a caliber is beyond fucked up. I use and LOVE Photoshop, but I’m not a big fan of the retouching. I just don’t deem it necessary. It matters not if your skin has freckles or blemishes, how wide or narrow your hips are, how large or small your breasts are, and how round or petite your ass is. Curves, no matter how much or little you have are not bad to have at all  As the old saying goes: “A Picture is worth 1000 words” – Why fuck that up?


Seriously ladies, remember that quote.


Test Post

This is a test of the New Blog theme for the WordPress version of Perverted Brain. This is only a Test.