Author Archives: PlayBoyMan

Update: CC License

The Creative Commons License (CC) for this blog Perverted Brain (WordPress Version)
had been updated. All TEXT work of the Perverted Brain Blog (WP) by me, Patrick Blake Mason, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

That means that the Text of this blog, may be used for:

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Upcoming changes….

Hello Everyone.

Firstly, I would like to say thanks you everyone that has enjoyed all the work, podcasts, blogs, tweets, etc, that I have shared with all of you through the years.

After saying that, I’m pretty sure that most of you are thinking the following:


Look, just relax, okay? I’m not hanging my pervert hat up anytime soon. I’m just saying thanks for enjoying what I do and share with you. Felt it best to tell you all that first, before I continue.

Now, on to the business at hand….

In the coming weeks, I’m going to make quite a number of changes to my blogs. These will include changes in the design and layout of the blogs, as well as some tweaks to the way they function.

Here are the changes in detail:

Perverted Brain blog:

  1. The WordPress and Tumblr versions of the blog will get a new theme.
  2. The Tumblr blog will have the option to reply directly to blog postings.
  3. Anonymous questions will be allowed. (tumblr)

PlayBoyMan’s Big Boobie Blog:

  1. No more public submissions. Very few did it, and the ones that did, kept sending me a “Blue Waffle”. Fucking gross.
  2. Theme change.

The Hall of Babes blog:

  1. Theme change (possibly)
  2. No more public submissions. Entries into the hall will be chosen by me and me alone.

PlayBoyMan Games blog:

  1. MAJOR theme change. This is by far the most noobish-looking blog I manage.
  2. Blog updates will post to Facebook, as well as Twitter.

Chronicles of Asstrology blog:

  1. No more public submissions. Never got any.

The Gaming Blog of GodOfKonckers:

  1. Readers can ask questions.
  2. Blog updates will post to Facebook, as well as Twitter.
  3. redesign the theme.

Voice of PlayBoyMan blog:

  1. Anonymous questions are no longer welcome.
  2. Theme change

And sadly, ONE blog with be getting the axe: The Blog at Destructoid. It’s already gotten the final post, and will be removed from my list of URLs. The list of URLs I have will also be reorganized to make it look more appealing and sorted.

In addition, there will be some new things I’ll introduce in the coming weeks:

-A new newsletter!

Yes, I’m starting another newsletter. This one will be made for gamers to enjoy, as a way of helping to keep my twitch and hitbox peeps in the loop.

A new Blog for my deviantArt portfolio.

Most of the artwork I do is listed on deviantArt as Adult-themed, and can only be viewed if you are a registered user of deviantArt. This blog will serve as a “bypass”, for those who don’t want to sign up to another site, and will also serve as a backup/alternative the artwork.

And that’s not even all the changes I’m working on.

I said it before, but it bares repeating: Thank you all for enjoying all the content I’ve shared in my digital life. This is just the beginning.


“I Regret…”

If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.

Bruce Lee

“I Regret”

That’s a sentence most of us have heard in one way or another in our lives. We’ve either heard others say it, or we have said it ourselves. No matter where you have been, or what you have done, those two words have been spoken.

“I Regret”

I myself have mentioned them, and felt the gravity of those words too many times in my life. I had so many chances to do something different. So many chances to take the other option, to take the road untraveled, so many chances to take a risk, and walk a different path.

When I was 15, I had the idea of making my first video game. It wasn’t much – a sequel to one of my favorite NES games, Robowarrior. It wasn’t much – a few icons here and there of powerups, and maybe a few bosses. I never took the chance to see that game to fruition.

The very first time I had the chance to find someone, was when I was 16. She was a woman named Stephanie, and she used to work at a retail chain that has been long gone for years now. She was cute, and I think she liked me, but I never took the chance to ask her out.

The first time I had the chance to run and own my first business, was when I was 25. I was a great employee, and I did my best to be good at that job – and I did an even better job of fucking it all up and getting fired.

Now, at 35, I am here, making a video game, and building up a business of my own, all while having a great relationship with a wonderful woman, who I think the world of.

Why is it so different now? Because I stop regretting my past mistakes, missed chances, and what could’ve been.

There are far too many people in this crazy ass world, who live with a ton of regret in their lives, and we use that as a reason as to why we can’t get what we want. Why we settle for what we can get, instead of working hard to get what we want. Why we back away from a challenge, and why we flight, instead of fight.

The one thing that holds us down, and stops us from moving forward, is regret, and the more we engage and keep it company, and the more miserable we become in life.

I’ve looked back at my life too many times, and seen all the roads I should’ve taken, all the missed chances and fuck ups in my short life, and ever time I do, I keep thinking that this is all I am. This is all I will ever be. This is my empire of dirt.

And I say, after all this time, being alive for 35 years and counting: FUCK THAT SHIT!

Life is always what you make of it. If you make a mistake, learn from it, don’t be bound to it. If you took one path, its never too late to turn around a try the other path, and if that path sucks ass, make your own damn path.

You’ve seen what happens when you give up on something, so don’t give up. Keep going, and see it through. Never settle for anything lees or shit you don’t need.

Some of that above my sound like a clique from a self help book, but it’s not.

Stop regretting what could’ve been. As long as you are living and breathing, its never too late to turn things around, to take that chance untaken, that what “I wish I could” moment into that “I fucking did that shit, and it was awesome” moment.

That’s what has finally happened after all this time with me. It has its share of ups and downs, its slow and fast moments, and of course it’s scary as a watching a woman getting fucked super hard in the ass with very little lube in a porno you brought from the Adults only section on eBay (no, that did not happen to me), but no matter what the end game is, no matter what the outcome, there is one thing that you will start saying after awhile:

“Yes, I’m doing that, and I don’t regret a damn thing”

That’s how I feel right this moment. And its wonderful.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to spend time with my lady. And if you didn’t get that NIN reference in this blog, you know nothing of good ass music, you arrogant punk.


The fate of my content….

I was asked over the weekend about my blogs and podcasts, as to if I would keep all that content going, now that I have a girlfriend. It’s not uncommon for people who have blogs like I do to close it all up once they get involved with someone. It has happened before.

Let me put your minds and boners at peace – wait, that came out wrong. Let me put your minds at ease, and keep your boners hard. Yes, that’s better.

The content isn’t going ANYWHERE. You all got to know me and my awesomeness because of what I do on the internet, and I can’t give that up. It’s a part of me that I love to express as much and as often as I can.

All of my work is for you, my internet peeps to enjoy. That was always the plan in the first place. Hell, that’s how me and my girlfriend met. She enjoys my body of work as much as I do, and has never been bothered by it in any way.

I’m a lucky man. Smile

The Perverted Brain and the Voice of PlayBoyMan blogs are my Soapboxes –  I’ll always have something to say about something, no matter what my situation is. My GodOfKonckers blog and my Dtoid blog are my gaming blogs, where I talk about all things Video Games, which I have been playing since I was a KID (I’ll be 35 this year btw), and will most likely continue to enjoy until the world ends, or I die, whichever comes first, and won’t come anytime soon.

The Boobies and Booty blogs, along with the Hall of Babes blog are, and always have been for you guys and gals (yes, women enjoy my blogs too). They are like a beacon that says “You like tits and asses? So do I. Let me share the with you.”.

As for the people I follow on Twitter and Facebook, I’m not going to unfollow/unfriend any of you. I follow quite a number of Pornstars, Cam models, Pinup models, Gamers, and admins of Titty/booty blogs and websites – and a few news sources from various topics – you are not getting an unfollow from me anytime soon.

In short – all the content that you’ve all come to love and enjoy, is staying put, and I’m going to keep on working on it. I do it for all of you, and I won’t stop until I can’t do it anymore. It’s fun, it’s amazing, and I fucking rock doing it all.

So relax and enjoy the blogs.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna spend time with my lady. It’s our one month anniversary, and I want to spend the day with her.


Dear Parents…Your teens are enjoying ANAL SEX…a lot…I think…

According to researchers from someplace (I’m too tired to look it up, I just remember hearing it on an episode of ‘Chelsea Lately’), Teen pregnancies are down to their lowest levels in over a decade, and feel that the sluggish economy and lack of jobs is contributing to this decline.

While that might be true, I have a theory about what other factors might be contributing to this decline and what the result might be later on. You see, there are a few things that keep happening in this financial disarray we are in: Eating, Drinking, and Fucking…and the last one is the main focus of the topic at hand. Not surprised? Good.

Sex is the one major constant in the ebb and flow of this world. Somewhere in the world, someone is getting their freak on. It could be happening as I type this blog. It could be happening as YOU are reading this blog.

It could be happening after reading this sentence!

…or not. Life is funny like that.

Getting back to my theory…

The number of teens that are getting knocked up is on the decline, and has been for quite sometime, and I think that is a great thing. That’s how it should be – a teen shouldn’t become a parent before their time, and before they get their shit together. But as we are celebrating this good news, there is still one thing that we are overlooking – teens are still having sex.

While the number of teens getting knocked up is going down, teen having sex is still a constant. They never really stopped fucking. So does this mean that they are using protection? Perhaps, and rightfully so, but condoms and birth control can take you so far.

My belief, is that the actual reason there are lesser teen mom’s and dad’s has to do with anti-abortion laws, the cancelling of MTV’s ‘Teen Mom’ and the bible. It’s these three reasons that I believe have lead to the backdoor fun we love to watch in porn movies, but don’t want to admit we like it.

And there are women who love anal. Don’t you dare try to deny that shit, you all know I speak the truth damn it!

Now I know what you are thinking – “PlayBoyMan has done lost his fucking mind! – AGAIN!”, right? No not really. Keep reading, I’ll explain everything.

As I’m sure most of you will agree, anti-abortion laws are for lack of a better phrase, true donkey shit, being served by assholes who think their jobs gives them the right to tell women what they can and can’t do with their bodies (which pisses me off to no end).

And oddly, some people think that these bullshit laws will reduce the number of abortions in the states, and in turn aid in lowering the number of teens that get preggers, and having sex altogether. It’s a great plan, right? No. not really.

Anti-abortion laws just basically encourage creativity in the moment of sexual gratification. In this case – pulling out and cumming ON their partner, instead of IN.

Condoms can fail and sometimes the pill can too, so the best way to ensure that you get your freak on without slipping on past the goalie, is to aim outside the box, pun intended. If that sounds gross to you, so be it, and I’m sad that your sex life is lackluster at best…No, that wasn’t a joke, I’m sad for those of you that don’t know this. And seeing that this bullshit type of law limits your options, the alternative of making a mess, is a good idea.

Let’s move on to the cancellation of MTV’s bullshit en-masse that is ‘teen mom 3’’.

When MTV aired that crazy-stupid show, It was the start of a clusterfuck that grew in the minds of people who don’t like to use their brains, that this show is amazing, when in fact, it’s a true piece of shit…And it was not doing anyone any good. Ever since that show aired, you actually had some teens believing that it was OK to have a kid at such young an age, that it was so easy, and that they knew what they were doing. To putt it simply: ‘Teen Mom’ glamourized having a baby as a teen. To this day, despite the decline, the majority of teens who are becoming parents live in the southern United States.

Fucking Dumbasses.

Thankfully, Teens appear to be paying attention even more now, and are learning to take the proper precautions when it comes to sex. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a stupid teenager on ‘The Maury Show’, trying really hard to get a bun in the oven. I don’t miss it, and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this. And have you seen those teens on that show? Fucking yikes. And who fucks for a Hamburger and a bag of chips from a fast food restaurant ? they live with their parents for fuck sakes…They can’t get a meal there, sans sex?!

Whoa wait…I’m getting off topic.

Anyway – thank you MTV – you finally did something right for a change: ending a bullshit reality TV show that shouldn’t have aired in the first place. Wait…scratch that – If that show didn’t air, we would’ve NEVER got this on DVD:


…which by the way, is a pretty good porn movie. Give it a viewing, it’s not bad, and Farrah’s tits looked better before the surgery. Yes, you did just read that. That was something I actually typed. Also, there’s anal sex in it. This fits the blog nicely, doesn’t it?

And now, let’s move on to the 3rd reason as to why I think Teens are enjoying giving up the butt – The Bible. Yes, I’m giving the bible props for teens enjoying anal sex.


No, Mr. Wonka – I am not.

You see, there is something about the Bible that a lot of people don’t get – its LOADED with contradictions. It’s goes against itself on many levels, and people who stand by this thing refuse to acknowledge that fact. God is infallible, being gay is a sin, eating bacon is 100% wrong, as is divorce…the list goes on and on and on.

But…There IS something that the bible ACTUALLY GOT RIGHT, and I, an agnostic, I’m 100% ok with it.

You see there is a loophole in the bible, that while it doesn’t like it when two guys do it, does not forbid it when a man and a woman do it.

Can you guess what it is? Come on now, the answer is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.

It’s Anal Sex. Yes. It’s true – if you are a Heterosexual couple or in a relationship, serious or casual, you can enjoy the butt sex all ya want, which makes as much sense as installing a freezer in an artic research station. I mean for serious, If you are straight, you can enjoy anal outside of marriage, but if you are gay, you can’t do it? And then you have to get married before you can have sex in the vagina, because sex outside of marriage is a sin, so either way unless you put a ring on it first, you are going to hell.

For serious, what the fuck are we doing reading this ass-backwards shit?!

Oops, I’m getting off the topic again…I think.

The bottom line is that this loophole, called “God’s Loophole”, which in this context is also a contradiction (God is infallible, thus no loopholes, remember?), is the saving grace for teenagers. It makes zero sense, has as much reason as the idea of drinking water from a toilet, and it’s the driving force as to why so many people are fucked up in the world, with the allowing teens to get their fuck on without having to take care of a baby in 9 months, which is still a sin, according to the bible.

No wonder we are all going to hell – we can’t win no matter what. Good thing I give a silent prayer to Cthulhu every now and then. I miss that dude.

This is what teens are coming to accept as the new normal. To avoid becoming parents before their time, they are OK with anal sex, and coating their lovers in cum, or maybe giving them a Anal Creampie. Yes – that’s also a thing. How do you not know this stuff?

I strongly believe that in 2014, researchers are going to discover that teenagers are having more anal sex. I think this theory of mine will be proven to be accurate, and the churches will be powerless to say anything about it, because it’s not forbidden in the bible to do that, unless you are gay, then it’s wrong.

Man, that bible is a really fucked up book.

And there it is. The end of the last blog for 2013. I hope 2014 is full of awesomeness for all of us, and I thank you for reading my blog. I hope you enjoyed it.

Happy New Year!


There wasn’t a lot of boobies or butts in this blog, so I’d thought I’d rewards ya with one of my favorite YouTube videos. Here’s “Because Boobs” by Psychostick, a song about boobs. Enjoy.

Boobie Time!

The Parents Television Council Hates Common Sense? How “Shocking”.

The PTC since 1995 has found and encouraged all kinds of things and issues to complain and protest about. From Sex on TV, to violence in Video Games, Porn, and every little thing that is CLEARLY made for ADULTS to enjoy, there is seldom a time you won’t hear from them.

This time they have turned their attention to this year’s MTV VMA’s. As it turns out, they didn’t really like the performances of Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus, or all the commercials that were aired this past Sunday (8/25).

I have their complaint as it appears on their Website:

LOS ANGELES (August 26, 2013) – The Parents Television Council issued the following statement in response to last evening’s MTV Video Music Awards (VMA).

“MTV has once again succeeded in marketing sexually charged messages to young children using former child stars and condom commercials — while falsely rating this program as appropriate for kids as young as 14. This is unacceptable,” said PTC Director of Public Policy Dan Isett.

“This much is absolutely clear: MTV marketed adults-only material to children while falsely manipulating the content rating to make parents think the content was safe for their children.

“MTV continues to sexually exploit young women by promoting acts that incorporate ‘twerking’ in a nude-colored bikini. How is this image of former child star Miley Cyrus appropriate for 14-year-olds?

“How is it appropriate for children to watch Lady Gaga strip down to a bikini in the opening act?

“How is it appropriate for 14-year-olds to see a condom commercial and a promo for an R-rated movie during the first commercial break?

“This content would likely not be given a forum if it were on a broadcast network. Yet MTV continues to push limits because it’s a cable network. But that does not mean MTV’s decisions have no consequences, especially for the millions of children who were targeted by MTV.

“Isett added.

PTC Advisory Board Member and former BET Executive Paul Porter said, “The Miley Cyrus/Robin Thicke performance simply substituted talent with sex. Viacom has a set of corporate broadcast standards that were obviously broken in this case for financial gain. While the performance was shocking to the audience, MTV approved it during the show run prior to the broadcast. Heads should roll at MTV.”

That last part: “Heads should roll at MTV” – Not gonna happen. The Nielsen Ratings for the VMA’s was UP 60% from the year before, the only thing that’s going to be rolling at MTV, is the advertising money into the network, most likely for next years VMA’s.

I also noticed an interesting bit in the statement:

We urge Congress to pass the Television Consumer Freedom Act which will give parents and consumers a real solution for future MTV VMA programs – the ability to choose and pay for cable networks that they want vs. having to pay for networks they don’t want. After MTV’s display last night, it’s time to give control back to consumers,”

While it would be nice to be able to pick what channels I want and have interest in seeing in my channel lineup, it STILL won’t solve the “problem” the PTC claims exists.

As was stated in PTC’s douche-y whining, The programming was rated as TV-14, and as it turns out EVERYONE seems to have forgotten what the TV-14 rating even means anymore.

So, here is the definition of the TV-14 rating as taken from the TV Guidelines Website, (Focus Points I’ve highlighted in red):

Parents Strongly Cautioned
This program contains some material that many parents would find unsuitable for children under 14 years of age. Parents are strongly urged to exercise greater care in monitoring this program and are cautioned against letting children under the age of 14 watch unattended. This program may contain one or more of the following: intensely suggestive dialogue (D), strong coarse language (L), intense sexual situations (S), or intense violence (V).

So as you can see, the problem isn’t really the VMA’s, the performances at the VMA’s, or even the MTV Network – the problem is with THE PARENTS.

This is a recurring issue that is happening way to often with just about anything that is made DIRECTLY FOR ADULTS TO ENJOY, but that’s a whole other topic to discuss. Let’s keep the focus on the issue at hand: Parents getting up in arms over a TV show that doesn’t have content suitable for kids, despite the fact the rating for the show clearly tells you what you are getting into.

Too many parents are turning that part of their brain that controls common sense off, thus resulting in these ridiculous outbursts. The VMA’s have had sexually charged performances for years now, so why act like this is a new thing? It’s not. For a parent to think that a TV Network which has over the last 20-odd years, aired content that is clearly never been for kids, would actually and suddenly air a program for kids to watch, is like putting the DVD of the R-Rated version of Digital Playgrounds “Pirates”, into your blu-ray player, in the hopes that with all the edits and cropping done to it, will be suitable for your Kids to watch.

Spoiler Alert: Both versions of that movie, will NEVER be suitable for kids AT ALL. Don’t do it.

The TV and Radio Networks in the US, let alone around the world are in the business of entertaining TV viewers – it’s their bread and butter, and the majority of people who watch TV are ADULTS, not kids, hence the existence of the 18-35 key demo. While there are networks tailored to entertaining kids, the parents are into watching content made for them, and for some reason are not able to make the connection that the content THEY enjoy, isn’t really suitable for their offspring’s impressionable minds.

This is what a gross lack of Common Sense and rational thought looks like.

So, how does a parent solve this “problem”? Believe it or not, there really is no need to pass legislation, or file a compliant to the FCC. There is no need to boycott a TV Network – in fact, there are TWO solutions to this problem:

  • Change the channel, or
  • Turn the TV off.

Yes, that’s right. You see, if the parents or the kiddies are watching something that they don’t like, or might be too much to watch, just change the channel, or turn the TV off and find something else to do.

That is the purpose of the TV remote: to change channels, adjust the volume, and turn the TV on or off. It amazes me how many people have forgotten that.

Unlike passing a Bill through congress, it can be done in an instant, and it’s free – how could you not like that? Who wouldn’t like that? Who wouldn’t enjoy applying that idea to this “major problem”?

The Parents Television Council, that’s who.

In closing, if you are a parent or are friends with someone who is, and you or they see a program that isn’t something kids should be watching, or the show has a part that in it they shouldn’t watch, just do one or both of the things I mentioned above.

The only time Common Sense really works, is when you actually USE IT.


The Adult Entertainment Industry is more Responsible than the rest of us…

And there IS proof of that…On Wednesday (8/21/13), An Adult Film star, new to the industry, tested Positive for HIV, resulting in FSC’s call for an industry-wide moratorium on production and canceling all scheduled shoots until further notice.

You can read all about it here in the link below, and I suggest you read it to the fullest before you continue:

Now I’m pretty sure, to all my fellow non-industry folks, that the first thing you thought was “Wow, they are being so irresponsible”, or “They should wear condoms”, and if you are anti-porn, you may have actually said “Serves them right”.

And if you did say any or all of that, congratulations – you don’t know how to read…And if you said “Serves them Right”, you’re a total asshole.

Let me point out a few things to you, my Non-industry peeps:

  • How many times have you ever gotten an HIV test?

Adult Performers test every 14 to 28 days, (and self regulation is to thank on that one) and don’t get cleared for work if they test positive for anything, including HIV. How many Non-Industry people do that? How many times have you gotten tested in your sexual lifetime? Was it every 14 to 28 days? I doubt it.

  • Have you ever gotten an HIV test?

If you are in the Business of Adult Entertainment and you are getting your fuck on with other people, you are going to be tested, right from the jump – no exceptions. Everyone in the industry gets tested for STD’s and HIV. Adult performers get tested far more often than us non-industry people.

  • Do you have unprotected sex?

While there are a number of performers who do fuck unprotected, that number by comparison is leaps and bounds tiny when you compare it to how many people in the country are having unprotected sex with multiple partners. Its EXACTLY like making Mountains out of molehills, and far too many people are ignoring the actual mountain.

  • Do you practice good sexual hygiene?

There was an expression that many women told other women in the 1990’s. I’m sure the saying is much older than that, but it’s valid advice for industry and non-industry types:

“Don’t be a slut – wash your butt”

There are men and women who don’t make sure their “fucking equipment” is clean before and after sex. I’m thankfully not one of those people, and outside the industry they are not hard to find. I won’t get into details, but if you can smell someone’s funky crotch from 50 yards away, WHILE THEY ARE STILL FULLY CLOTHED – someone is being nasty in all the wrong ways.

I’m not joking on the “smell someone’s funky crotch from 50 yards away” remark – that actually happened. I might tell that story one day.

  • If you DO have an STD, do you refrain from having sex?

If you get an STD, you’ll clearly want to abstain from passing it on to others. I’m pretty sure that you don’t want to spread Gonorrhea, Crabs, or even Chlamydia to others – oh wait, we non-industry folk don’t get tested every 14 to 28 days, so if you are having lots of sex sans condom with multiple partners, you most likely don’t know you have it, and you might be dismissing those symptoms (if any) as “nothing serious”.

This is something that does happen quite a bit in the country…and sometimes you might even hear about it on an episode of the Maury Show. Some guy cheats on his Wife/Girlfriend. And what proof does she have? She has an STD she got from her Hubby/Boyfriend.

  • If you have an STD, do you contact your sexual partners about possible exposure?

No matter what or whom you do in life, ANY doctor that finds out you have and STD and or HIV/AIDS will tell you that you MUST get in touch with all your sexual partners and tell them the news, to avoid the spread of infection. Granted that while NO ONE wants to get this kind of news, there ARE Non-Industry people out there who choose not to say a fucking word, for fear of embarrassment, and looking like an dumb ass.

But in fact, if a person does get an STD (And I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, by the way), there is that possibility that they won’t admit it to anyone. It can and has happened, inside and outside the industry, but more outside than within.

So, what’s the point I’m trying to make?

It’s simple: There is a common fact that Non-Industry, Anti-Porn, The AHF, Lubben, Prudes and their supporters are all missing – Porn stars have lower rates of STD’s per capita than the general populous – that’s not made up, IT’S A FACT. But thanks to social browbeating and half-truths, it’s a fact that is generally ignored and disbelieved.

Like it or not, Porn Stars are more sexually responsible than you and I, and we should start paying more attention to that.

The Adult Entertainment Industry is a very, very, very, very, VERY tiny drop in a extremely large bucket, and everyone who is against it is missing and ignoring the bigger picture:

There are millions of people who have and live with HIV/AIDS, and Millions more contract STD’s at one or more point in their lives, all while semi- or completely ignoring sexual responsibility and hygiene. And instead of helping the masses by educating and supporting and even providing help, they (Non-Industry, Anti-Porn, AHF, Etc.) are dead set focusing on fighting and attacking the Adult Entertainment Industry, tooth and nail, all with the intention of either driving it underground where it doesn’t belong, trying to tearing it apart piece by piece, or sending it to oblivion.

And none of that shit is not solving the bigger problem of curbing STD’s, STI’s and informing people about real facts on HIV and AIDS, which is all in the millions of infected all over the world.

I’m not in the Porn Biz, and I’ll most likely remain a fan, but if you ever ask me if I think people in the industry are safer and responsible than people who aren’t – The answer is yes, without question.

Now I’m not speaking to everyone that’s non-industry like me– not everyone is nasty, and not everyone is being sexually irresponsible, and this is not a bash or an attack on anyone – this is a POV on how people see the industry. People are focusing so much on “dealing with it”, all the while ignoring the real issue at hand, and tossing the facts out the window.

If you don’t like porn, fine. The best way you can deal with it, is to just leave it alone. It’s not hurting anyone, and there are a ton of people who enjoy it, as there are many in the industry who love the work they do.

So to my fellow Non-Industry people, Anti-Porn, The AHF, Lubben, Prudes and their supporters, do us all a favor: Let it be, and deal with the bigger picture. The Adult Entertainment Industry may not be your friend or ally, but it’s sure as shit not the enemy.


Enough with the Drama already…

I want to do something I seldom do on the interwebs: Talk about myself.

In the Digital world that is comprised of Tweets, Facebook updates, a WordPress Blog, and a small army of tumblrs which talk a lot about Tits and ass (and I’m quite proud of that), the person you know as PlayBoyMan, aka Patrick Blake Mason – Is quite the cool dude.

I’m not afraid to speak my mind, and I get that I may rub people the wrong way, but I always do my best to make a point and explain it as best as I can. There are many people in the social networking megastorm that are the same way.

The only thing I’ve ever really wanted, is that I get the chance to at least finish what I’m trying to say, and try to explain where I’m coming from.

This has happened once before a year or two ago, and it almost made me say fuck it to social media. I already have enough drama in my life, and I don’t need any of it here on the web.

I’m not here to piss people off, nor am I here to kiss anyone’s ass and lick the sphincter clean. I’m not looking to start a fight I can’t finish. I’m not here to make enemies or look for trouble.

I’m here to express, and share my thoughts on a public forum that is social media. It’s a platform where I can speak my mind to whoever wants to listen to me – Whether it be one person or a hundred, I take comfort in the fact that someone listened to me, regardless if they agreed with me or not.

That’s the draw to Social Media: everyone gets their own soapbox to stand on, their own canvas to create and work with, their own platform to display what they have done and share it freely.

That’s why I’m here too.

So, to all who are reading this, and follow my blogs or twitter accounts, or friend me on Facebook – let’s make a deal:

I won’t give you any drama of any kind. If you are having a bad day, I’ll be happy to wish you well, or send tweet/post something funny to ya to cheer you up – no bullshit.

I’ll let you have your say, no matter what. I’ll never tell you to shut up – I’ve never told anyone in my life to shut up, even when I was in the right to do so. Everyone has the right to free speech at anytime, on any platform, analog or digital.

I’ll be happy to give you #FF shoutouts on twitter – there are so many people I follow who are fucking awesome, and I know there is no way I can tweet all of you in one day – twitter would think I’m spamming. Yes, that many.

All I ask, in return, is that you respond in kind. Do we have a deal?


FYI: I get bashed on The Huffington Post too…

Now as I have stated, there are some people, VERY FEW on Twitter, who just don’t really like what I tweet. And while that bothers me a tiny bit, it’s mainly more funny and amusing to me.

I just don’t get it…How could people be offended over big boobs? What the fuck is the deal? What I’m I missing:


I don’t get it.

But if it’s ONE thing I enjoy the most when it come to all these complaints, it’s the ones I get on the some of the comments I get on one of my favorite sites: The Huffington Post.

As of this writing, I’ve posted 581 Comments across a ton of articles on Huffington Post (or Huff Po, as some people like to call it), and sometimes, I do get a little flack for what I say.

But no matter what I say, regardless what soapbox I’m standing on, I say what I feel, and I don’t take anything back. I don’t blow smoke up people’s asses, and I expect the same in return.

Sadly, like a comedian who takes shots from people who don’t get the joke, I take shots from people who think I’m a perv, or disrespectful to women, or have yet to wake up to what the government is doing, which makes no sense at all – I can’t read anything if I’m asleep. hehe.

I’m speaking of an article I read and replied to on Huff Po (6/27/2013). I was reading about the director of Alan Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” Video responding to critics about Claims Of Misogyny towards the video (in case you didn’t notice, the director of the video is a WOMAN).

All I did was make on simple yet honest comment:


…and from that moment, the shitstorm began. These are just some of the comments I got:

Screenshot_2 Screenshot_3 Screenshot_4 Screenshot_5

Before I continue, I would like to point out how fucking stupid it looks to spell “boobies” as b-e-w-b-i-e-s. That pisses me off to no end. You either spell it right, or just don’t type.

Spell check exists for a reason, damn it. Back to the comments:


As of this posting, my comment got 93 replies and 12 favorites. Mind you that not all the comments were bad, and people like the comments I made on the article.

I’m not really hurt or saddened at all by the negative replies, I just find it interesting that people are more up in arms about a Avatar and a username, over a music video featuring topless women wearing flesh tone underwear and dancing around 3 lucky guys.

Funny what people get offended over nowadays, isn’t it?

If you would like to read the article, and maybe comment on it, click the link below:


Twitter Jail…Again…Fuck….


Yes….it happened AGAIN. I’m back in fucking Twitter Jail. I feel like that guy in Monopoly, who pulled that card that says go to jail, go directly to jail:


and I could really use 200 bucks right now (That’s not me in that picture BTW – duh).

Here’s how it went down: Early Friday Afternoon, I had sent a #FF to my followers, and shortly afterward I got a tweet from a user, warning me not to do it again or I’d be blocked:

“if you post another tweet to this account with porn in it Im blocking you. last warning”

I’ve never sent the user anything of the sort. All I’ve done is suggested them for a #FF (That’s Follow Friday, for you non-twitter folk) – NOTHING else. But after getting that tweet, I felt it was best to cut ties then reply to it, so I immediately unfollowed and blocked the user, to ensure that they wouldn’t get anymore tweets from me.

Sounds all good right? Nope.

Around 8pm on a Friday, which was the same day I got Suspended the last time, I found out I’m suspended on twitter…”FUCK, Not again”, I said. The suspension started at just before 6pm, and I learned about it later at 8pm.

I didn’t do anything wrong, and this shit is getting super OLD. I’m getting REALLY tired of seeing this when I’m on Twitter:


And the reason is just DUMB as fuck: I was reported for promoting a Twitter Account. That’s right…now I’m Getting suspended OVER A #FF TWEET.

I’m not going say who it was that said I was tweeting porn to them (Which I would like to reiterate DID NOT HAPPEN)…I’m not going to give them any reason to start shit with me – but I will say this:

The person who tweeted me that unnecessary warning and got me suspended, was a woman, and was in the running to fill the #4 spot in the Hall of Babes, made vacant by request by the now retired adult model Jade 38HH.

I can officially tell you, she is definitely out of the running.

So, that is how I am spending my weekend. If you were wondering what happened, now you know.

Here’s to hoping I get back on Twitter by Monday.


UPDATE: I got a reply from Twitter –


This account was suspended for sending multiple unsolicited messages using the @reply and/or mention feature. These features are intended to make communication between people on Twitter easier. Twitter monitors the use of these features to make sure they are used as intended and not for abuse. Using either feature to post messages to a bunch of users in an unsolicited or egregious manner is considered an abuse of its use, which results in account suspension.

For more information about these features, please visit our @Replies and Mentions help page:

I have now un-suspended your account. Please note that it may take an hour or so for your follower and following numbers to return to normal.

So, yeah – it was the Follow Friday tweet. *Sighs* live and learn – I least I lived…And I’m back on Twitter. 🙂

No more BoobQuakes?

OK. So here’s the thing…There are three reasons why I haven’t done any boobquakes.

The First reason: It’s been quite awhile since I did an official boobquake. I’ve been busy working on the game, and I just haven’t had the time to get one going. Being a game developer is quite the time consuming process.

The Second reason: I was beta testing a mass pic uploader, but it looks like all testing and work on it has just suddenly ended, and with that, so did the boobquakes for a time. While uploading images is easy to do on Tumblr, its not easy to do that in separate posts. It’s quite the time consumer.

And the Third reason: I don’t have any pics to post.


I know right? That is not like me, yours truly to have zero boob pics to post. But as I said before, I’ve been busy…

However, this does not mean that there won’t be anymore boobquakes.

I learned that the older service is still up and running, and that I can use it, so there will be boobquakes again, once I do a TON of searching on google and 4chan.

I know that you all miss my boobquakes on my blog , and I really do enjoy doing them. All I ask of you that you all be patient with me. The Boobies are making a comeback!


Hello @BangBros and @RachelStarrxxx, @boobster sent me….

Grab a cup of Tea, A Bottle of Lotion and that box of Tissues, for I have a story to tell you..

This is the story of How Adult Film star Rachel Starr introduced me to – without ever having met me a day in her life.

Picture it: Columbus, Ohio, November 2007-

Winter was in full swing… It was cold, even with the sun shining, and I was enjoying keeping my black ass indoors where its warm.

One day, a Guy I know, lets call him “kenny”, told me about this teaser clip that was making its way around the internet…It was a woman with a very fit and perky ass, taking it from behind standing up.

I was intrigued…

Sadly, Kenny didn’t know the name of the woman with this lusty ass, and he is not the type to be forgetful. So I tried to get him to give me some information about this woman. All he could tell me of the thumbnail he saw for the video –  A woman, wearing a wet green dress, showing off her bare butt”

That is all I got out of him. After that, he said he had to go home and lie down for a bit – talking about this woman was making him dizzy.

After getting this nugget of info, I decided to try to search for this woman on my own.

I was determined to find this scene and this woman – hearing about it was not enough for me. So that following night, I fired up Internet Explorer, and went to yahoo search (which is NEVER a good search provider for finding porn).

I tried typing up ”Wet Green dress and bare butt”, which was the dumbest thing to do, as it yielded so many results I swear I won the fucking lottery…which I didn’t.

I then tried “Perky wet butt in green dress” Same thing.

Looking for a specific ass on the internet REALLY IS like looking for a needle in a haystack – except the needle is rounder, firmer, and worth adding to the spank bank.

Even though I was looking at pics of women in undies, I couldn’t find the one Kenny was looking for. BTW, its best to do this kind of looking in the late afternoon/early evening hours. Calling your guy at 3-4AM in the morning while looking at pics of butts is super annoying, and crazy weird on a TON of levels.

So anyway, after a week of looking, I gave the fuck up. No way I could find that needle in the haystack that is the internet.

So I abandoned my search, and just started fucking around on the web. It’s 3:30AM, and I’m looking at this and that, wondering why it takes so fucking long to download a large JPEG (I was on DSL at the time, and it was SLOW) – I click on this and that, going from website to website (I don’t remember these sites btw, I’m not a machine), when it dawned on me:

I could go to Boobster News Center”, I said to myself. “Maybe I can find her there.


The Latest article on the Boobster Blog, was of a woman named Samantha 38G. I’d heard of her before a ways back. This was the first time I’d heard of this site, so I’d thought I’d check it out. There were quite a number of links, so I clicked the one marked the other websites.


The site went to another page. A website called “”. It was the first time I’d ever been to the site. So, as I’m looking at the list of the sites associated to Bangbros, I saw a thumbnail for the Ass Parade site – An image of a hiked up green dress, that appeared to be wet, and a very ample, and very bare butt. And there it was, the butt that I was looking for. I had to be. It made me dizzy, so so damn dizzy – just like kenny.

Both me, and my dick were enchanted. I wasn’t paying too close attention to anything else. All I saw was this super fine woman with a great ass. I clicked on the link to Ass Parade, and was loaded with a TON of video clips. I managed to find the same thumbnail, and clicked the link underneath it. Lead me to a sample video…and man, it was fucking awesome. I’d found the round needle in the the haystack.

Somehow, I managed to snap myself out of the trance I was in…actually, the video sample ended, and so did the fantasy, so back to reality I went.  And then, I yawned for what felt like 10-12 seconds; I was getting tired as fuck. I quickly bookmarked the page, and shutdown for the night….It took awhile to power down…”Might be nothing”, I thought to myself, as I hopped into bed and fell to sleep.

The next morning, I went thru my ritual of getting ready for the day (cue “Dexter” Theme Music): Picked out my clothes, took my shower, Brushed my teeth and fixed my hair, got dressed, turned on the PC and checked my bookmarks…

…All of which, were gone, and replaced with ads and weird ass site names I’d never heard of in my life. My browser kept opening up, and displaying search engines I’ve never heard of.

I also kept hearing a voice, talking about Clorox Products. My PC was fucked up. My files which at that time were mostly game saves from classic DOS Games – fucked.

I had to format and install all my software from minute 1.

Stop the damn music, my day just got slow and boring…and then…

As I was sitting at my PC, it then donned on my that I not only lost the bookmark, but because I was so enchanted and sleep drunk, I couldn’t even remember the links and sites I went to in the first place. Epic brain fart. “FUCK!”, was the only word I got out of my mouth.

After installing everything, and AVG Anti-Virus for the first time (Again, it was 2007), I was back in business.

I went about the rest of the day, which then turned into 2 weeks running errands and tasks at hand – what? I don’t spend all day looking at boobs. I’m a busy guy. Anyway, one night I winded down and went back to the booty hunt (Hmm….That sounds like a movie to me).

I did managed to remember where I went first, Boobster, but since 2 weeks went past there we’re a ton of updates now, and I couldn’t remember which one it was.

So I went thru a number of links, and finally, again – I found that round, enchanted backside – I also took the liberty to find out the name of this sexy lass: her name is Rachel Starr, and the site I saw her on – the world famous Bang Bros. I bookmarked and joined bangbros that very day.

And, to this day, That ass is still perfect, and makes me swoon. It’s like number 2 of my best asses list, and I thank Boobster for talking about her, and BangBros for having her, and Rachel Starr for having good genes:


Damn Good Genes.


Picture provided by BangBros, used with permission. (Twitter: @BangBros)

Yo @ShelleyLubben, I read your “Message For Men….”

…And its funny as fuck.

Today, I was traveling thru the isles of Social Media. Checking my messages, managing my blogs, archiving posts, reading posts, looking at the occasional pair of breasts…the usual.

Today, I looked at the Facebook page of one of the biggest liars I’ve never met, and really don’t want to meet AFK: Shelley Lubben.

I know – I talk about her a lot, and there might be a few readers who are getting quite tired of this, but today, I came across a post and her Facebook that caught my eye. And seeing that this post was specifically for men, I gave it a read. Warning, it’s a long one:


Did you read all that? Really? Wow. And you didn’t fall asleep? I’m impressed. As a reward, enjoy some eye candy; you’ve earned it:


OK, now that you have enjoyed that, I’d like to reply to Lubben’s “Message for Men”, 100% straight up full of honesty:

I have watched Porn since I turned 21. I’m 34 now. For the last 13 years, I have never abused, beaten, attacked, or even raped any woman, and I have never had the urge to do so, before AND after watching any porn movie. To suggest that I, a man, am doing harm to women by watching porn, is farfetched on a lot of levels. It’s like saying that I’m hurting a woman by having consensual sex with her.

The notion that Porn “hurts” people and relationships is a myth. I know of couples who enjoy and watch porn, and seem to be doing fine as a result of it. Porn is a form of adult entertainment. It’s not to blame for anything, and trying to place blame on it as a result of one’s failures and/or losses is a sad attempt to avoid responsibility therein.

Whatever God one may worship in the life they live, remember that your deity does not care if you watch porn. The way I see it, If your god hates what you are doing, he would’ve dealt with you the second it was happening.

We have free will – we can do and say whatever we want. If we didn’t have that, then god would be all over us all the time. Thankfully, that is not the case.

Human sexuality is something that should be enjoyed, and restricted only to what one enjoys and is comfortable doing in the moment. We all have our own sexual desires and fantasies, and as long as they don’t involve children, animals, or other family members, its totally good.

If you like using porn or sex toys in your sexual activities, whether by yourself or with a partner, regardless of your sexual orientation, that’s 100% fine. To each their own. Who are we to judge what, or more effectively WHOM, others have sex with?

And Ladies, PLEASE let go of the notion that men are the majority in watching porn. That’s a major misconception. It’s not 75% men to 25% women, its 85% men to 72-75% Women. The 75% to 25% is based solely on which gender will most likely ADMIT to watching porn. Most women are quite coy when it comes to sex, and that might be why some women aren’t satisfied in the bedroom – because they don’t explore their sexual appetite. There are other factors that also come into play, but I’ll focus on this one

Society and peer pressure do too good of a job in making men and women feel guilty or ashamed about their sexual urges, fantasies, and desires, and how they express them. Enjoying your sex life is a good thing. If your god didn’t want you to enjoy porn or sex, he (or she) wouldn’t have made it feel so good. 

Porn does not, is not, and never will be responsible for what you do with your life. You are in charge of your own life, porn is not. Who you choose to be with, and what you do with (and to) that person sexually, whether its in the bedroom, around the house, in a car, hotel or motel, and of course in a porn movie, is your business and your responsibility.

Lastly, your god, no matter what his name is, or what religion you follow, wants you to enjoy all aspects of life. If watching porn adds some spice or variety to your life, so be it. Enjoy.

That reply was so good, that as I type this blog post, I copied and pasted it to my Facebook page, and used it as well as to Shelley’s Facebook page too. Have a look (and no, you don’t have to read it again):


And just I took a screenshot of my post on Shelley’s Facebook, It was removed. Like it was never posted in the first place. I guess the truth hurts only those who turn a blind eye to it, because it’ll smack you upside the head when you don’t expect or accept it.

But I’m a little confused as to why she deleted it though – Her message is for Men. I’m a man, and I read it. Don’t I have the right to give an honest reply to it? And shouldn’t such a reply be open for others to view, observe and comment on?

It’s Weird, isn’t it?

As a reward for taking the time to read this blog, I’ll leave you with this last bit of Eye Candy:


Thanks for reading.


My Weekend in Twitter Jail – A Love Story (Not Really)…

For those of you who read my blogs, you may have noticed that last Friday (April 19th), a little after 6:30pm, I suddenly disappeared from the Twitterverse.

For the rest of the weekend, I wondered what the fuck was going on. Usually, I do my best to follow the Rules on Social Media sites. Sometimes, I might get a slap on the wrist, maybe a warning, but a flat out suspension? It’s a bit rare for me.

For the whole weekend, I had no idea why the fuck I was suspended. No email explaining what happened. It was rather frustrating. After checking out a few things I think I can tell you what went down.

Here’s the story:

It was a usual Friday Evening – Working on my various Projects and tweeting my ass off. While I was reading my timeline, I noticed that one of my favorite followers, @Zorada, was getting funk from some prude that was complaining about Lady Z’s use of the word “Fuck”.

Naturally, I don’t really like it when my Tweeps get crap from anything, so I tweeted my reply to Lady Z about the whole thing. I can’t show you the tweet in question because it was removed, and I won’t repeat it, for fear that I might piss someone of. All I can can say is I really love the Word “Fuck”.

After sending the tweet, I went back to work as usual. I was about to send another tweet, when I noticed that Tweetdeck wasn’t updating. My DM’s Disappeared, and no tweets didn’t go out – Been through this before with Shelley Lubben.

So I jumped onto my Twitter page (Web), only to see a banner that says that may account has been suspended.


I didn’t think much of it at first. The Only thing that ran through my mind was “Need to Appeal, quickly”

I went to the Help Center, and filed an appeal. After that, I got an email from Twitter.


After that, I replied about 3 times over the weekend. Talking about why I felt it was an accident that I got suspended, That I want to make PlayBoyMan into a brand (That’s true btw), and that I really am not into breaking the rules or TOS on Twitter.

It was a very quiet weekend…no twitter at all. There have been times I take a break from Twitter and Facebook, but the one time I want to be on Twitter, I can get on, because I’m suspended. Its like a naked woman begging you to pleasure her, and the only thing stopping you is the glass box you’re encased in. And no matter how many times you use that hammer you’ve got,  it won’t break. It’s impossible to break that box.

That was from a dream I had months ago. Sometimes my subconscious hates the fuck outta me.

Oy vey.

Then on Monday (Yesterday), and without warning, my account was restored. Didn’t find out it was restored until I got a tweet from my man @Scribe__:


I was both very happy and surprised to see a tweet, and of course, It showed:


I really missed being on the Twitter. Not long after I was back in the business, I found out why I was suspended. I got an email shortly thereafter:


That’s when it hit me: It was the tweet I send to Lady Z (@Zorada) – I must’ve included the Prudes Twitter handle in the reply by accident, and she in turn reported my ass.

Hell of a thing.

After all this, I learned a few things:

  1. Being in Twitter Jail (Suspended) totally sucks ass.
  2. I think I’m addicted to Twitter, but I’m not really sure.
  3. Don’t reply or mention a prudes twitter handle.
  4. Don’t try to combine Pepsi and Pop Rocks – IMPOSSIBLE TO DRINK, MESS FREE.

Ok, the 4th one isn’t related to the topic at hand, but its good info to have in life.

Now that I ‘m back in business, Its time to get that blog about Rachel Starr finished.
